
in their eyes Learn more about in their eyes

  • There are many causes of eye lesions in chickens.

    There are many causes of eye lesions in chickens.

    Sihe Township, Sihong County, Zhao Deyue reported on the phone that a month ago, he entered a batch of chicks, a total of 2000, and is now 35 days old. At the age of 25 days, some chicks showed tears in both eyes, and in the later stage, the eyelids were edema, and some chickens became blind on one side or completely blind in both eyes. at present, there are about 50 chickens suffering from the disease every day, and a total of 300 chickens have the disease. Sick chickens shrink their necks and stand stillly, do not eat much, gradually lose weight, scratch their eyes with claws, and have milky white thickens in their eyes when they want to be blind. Use cephalosporins, roxithromycin, gentamicin, etc.

  • What if pigeons shed tears in their eyes? Treatment of tears in pigeon eyes

    What if pigeons shed tears in their eyes? Treatment of tears in pigeon eyes

    Pigeon eye cold is an easily recurrent disease, which will affect the pigeon's eyes and breathing, so it is necessary to control the disease in time. Let's take a look at the causes and treatment of pigeon tears: the symptoms of pigeon tears show scratching.

    2020-11-08 Pigeons eyes tears how to do treatment pigeons
  • Nursing Care of healthy Dog eyes

    Nursing Care of healthy Dog eyes

    For the protection of the eye part, always pay attention to whether there is eye stool, let the dog close his eyes when there is eye droppings, and remove them with wet wipes or cotton swabs. If you have tearful eyes and may have problems such as inverted eyelashes, you have to see a doctor. If the eye bowels are different from the usual transparent or dry brown, and the conjunctiva (white part of the eye) turns red, or the cornea (black part of the eye) has white spots or damaged, you should see a doctor immediately. Short-nosed dogs are prone to protruding eyes and form nasolacrimal duct compression, resulting in the nose part of the eyes of such as Zhong, Xishi, starlings and Beijing dogs.

  • The eye-moistening and eye-protecting effect of calamus bonsai

    The eye-moistening and eye-protecting effect of calamus bonsai

    Nowadays, many people sit in front of the computer for a long time every day, and young people like to keep playing with their mobile phones. Xerophthalmia caused by eye fatigue is very common. The ancient literati also had the disadvantage of losing their eyesight in reading and writing at their desk. In view of this situation, a very light countermeasure was invented in traditional life.

  • After Mao Xiaotong danced and turned, did the audience instantly open their eyes wide and their backs were so charming?

    After Mao Xiaotong danced and turned, did the audience instantly open their eyes wide and their backs were so charming?

    Mao Xiaotong danced. After turning around, the audience opened their eyes wide. Was the back so charming? Now the stars should be the most popular with the audience, after all, they are not only particularly handsome and beautiful, but also very high acting skills, can.

  • Rose is really all kinds of super beautiful

    Rose is really all kinds of super beautiful

    Whether potted plants or planted on the ground; climbing on the wall or hanging on the flower stand; planting lollipops or combining them into flower borders... are all beautiful places in the garden that make people unable to take their eyes off! Whether potted or planted; climbing on walls,...

  • Eye protection for dogs

    Eye protection for dogs

    An animal's eyes largely reflect its physical health. Check your dog's eyes frequently. When dogs are infected with certain infectious diseases such as canine distemper, it often causes inflammation and redness of the eyes, and the eyes are filled with purulent mucus secretions, even causing the dog's eyes to be unable to open. At this time, treatment and care of the eyes should be strengthened. The best way is to dip in medical chloramphenicol eye drops with cotton balls and gently wipe them outward from the inner corners of the eyes until they are cleaned around the eyes. Then drop an appropriate amount of

  • Eye protection of dogs

    Eye protection of dogs

    An animal's eyes reflect its health to a large extent. So always check your dog's eyes. When dogs are infected by certain infectious diseases such as canine distemper, they often cause inflammation, redness and swelling of the eyes, and the orbit is filled with purulent mucus secretions, even causing the dog's eyes to be unable to open, so it is necessary to strengthen eye treatment and care. The best way is to use cotton balls dipped in medical chloramphenicol eye drops, gently wipe from the inner corner of the eye, until the eyes are scrubbed clean. Then inject an appropriate amount of eye drops into the dog's eyes to eliminate inflammation. Some dog breeds such as

  • How big is the dragonfly? I can't believe it has so many eyes!

    How big is the dragonfly? I can't believe it has so many eyes!

    We all know that dragonflies, which are insects flying in ponds or rivers, are called giant vein dragonflies, which are said to be the largest species of insects that have ever appeared on earth. So, how big is the dragonfly? How big is the dragonfly? 1. Giant vein

    2020-11-11 Giant vein dragonfly have how big it unexpectedly so many eyes
  • Do these green plants protect your eyes? It fits best in the bedroom.

    Do these green plants protect your eyes? It fits best in the bedroom.

    Home decoration is afraid of formaldehyde? Can't sleep at night? Quickly put these plants in the room ~ White crane taro alias white palm, not only grow fresh and elegant, but also have a knack for purifying the air. In terms of filtering indoor exhaust gas, such as ammonia, C.

  • Do bats have eyes?

    Do bats have eyes?

    Do bats have eyes?

  • Students from Changhua County set out to Japan for exchanges and opened their eyes.

    Students from Changhua County set out to Japan for exchanges and opened their eyes.

    (Taiwan Business Daily News) Changhua County, which handles the seventh urban cultural exchange, will visit Ehime Prefecture in Japan from May 20 to May 24. Yesterday (19) before the press conference, Changhua County Mayor Zhuo Boyuan personally attended to cheer for this group of diplomatic elite soldiers, looking forward to cultural exchanges through education.

  • These six kinds of people are born with excessive wealth and are most likely to get rich overnight!

    These six kinds of people are born with excessive wealth and are most likely to get rich overnight!

    These six kinds of people are born with excessive wealth and are most likely to get rich overnight!

  • How much is the Abyssinian cat?

    How much is the Abyssinian cat?

    How much is the Abyssinian cat?

  • What kind of dog is a seeing eye dog? How much is it for one? What varieties do you have? How to tell the traffic lights?

    What kind of dog is a seeing eye dog? How much is it for one? What varieties do you have? How to tell the traffic lights?

    Everyone must be familiar with and unfamiliar with guide dogs. Xiao Q in the classic movie "Guide Dog Xiao Q" has earned many people's tears and made people feel warm and understand the difficulty of seeing-eye dogs as a profession. What kind of dog is that seeing eye dog? How much

    2020-11-11 Guide dog what is it more less money one have which
  • People who know how to live like to put a few potted plants at home to raise their eyes and bring good fortune.

    People who know how to live like to put a few potted plants at home to raise their eyes and bring good fortune.

    The combination of the two plants is not only beautiful but also very unique, it is also very good for the growth of plants, and the pattern design on the flowerpot is also very meaningful.

  • How should the cat's eye bamboo taro leaf bend?

    How should the cat's eye bamboo taro leaf bend?

    What kind of plant is the cat's eye taro? Many flower friends will keep a pot at home. But the cat's-eye taro is easy to bend the leaves, affecting the beauty. So what should I do when the leaves of Cat's Eye Taro bend? What is Cat's Eye Taro

    2020-11-09 Cat's eye taro leaf bend want what to do cat's eye
  • Prevention and treatment of white eye disease of tortoise

    Prevention and treatment of white eye disease of tortoise

    Prevention and treatment of white eye disease of tortoise

  • Is dragonfly an insect?

    Is dragonfly an insect?

    In summer in the countryside, we often see dragonflies flying around, or docking on lotus leaves to rest. So, is dragonfly an insect? Now I would like to introduce to you. Is a dragonfly an insect? Dragonflies are insects, insects of the order Odonata.

    2020-11-11 Dragonfly yes insect Mo in the countryside in summer we classics
  • How much is a Norwegian forest cat?

    How much is a Norwegian forest cat?

    How much is a Norwegian forest cat?
